
Hi everyone, my name is Bret and I’m the owner of Just Dags. Born and raised in the great PNW, I’ve had the pleasure of calling Missoula home for the last 20 years. The handsome gentleman in the other photo below is my late father Bob. Super Bob was the original dog whisperer and the guy that taught me how special our four legged friends truly are. This little endeavor is dedicated to him.

Dogs have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Like my dad, I’ve always shared a special, extra trustworthy kind of connection with them. I’m that guy at the party always hanging out with someone’s dog on the couch. I’m the friend people call when they need a last minute dog sitter. My dogs are my kids, very spoiled kids. They get out pretty much every day and live their absolute best lives.

For every family though, priorities are different and always changing. Work happens. Kids happen. Life happens. Let Just Dags help make your life a little easier and your dog’s life a little happier. Sign your pup up for a meet and greet today, I look forward to future adventures ahead!